Walking down this particular street on Baltimore, you can't help noticing three giant letters forming the word BUS. While this could pass as a very nice signage at first, it is actually the bus stop (a really cool idea, I think). BUS is a permanent public art project by Mmmm (a spanish collective), as part of the intiative TRANSIT, Creative placemaking with Europe in Baltimore.
The bus stop, made of timber planks attached to steel frames was designed to encourage interactions and relaxation while
waiting for the bus (with the option of sitting, standing or lying). Each letter measuring 14ft in height and 7ft in width is able to sit about 2-4 persons. It's a very social and fun space and positively lacks the rigidity of conventional bus stops. Kids will definitely get a kick out of
this one.
While this is a beautiful work of art (it really is), it would be nice to see the upper-B put to some use without a change in the form. I also noticed the wood used wasn't treated; I hope weather doesn't do a number on it.
Images source; Mmmm
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